Coach Quinn’s Super Shake

Welcome back just in time for this Thursday’s recipe! Today we are diving into one of my favorites not just for myself but for my clients and members as well.

The Super Shake! A super shake is a nutrient packed smoothie that provides a wide variety of marco and micronutrients and can be used as a meal replacement or an extra meal. It’s also quick and easy so great for anyone who doesn’t have a lot of time or on the go. For me personally I like to use the super shake as an extra meal to help me get my protein and calories up more. For a lot of people eating breakfast is a struggle for many reasons( ex. Not hungry in the morning, not enough time, doesn’t like to eat a big breakfast, getting kids ready and not myself, and so on). I’ve heard it all! So I always recommend a super shake for those people to try out even just a couple times a week. Attached you’ll be able to download/print off the Super Shake recipe and guide, that will give you different ideas for higher or lower calories shakes, but below I’m going to walk you through my favorite recipe.

Coach Quinn’s Super Shake


1 1/2 Cup- Whole Milk/ Almond Milk
1 Cup- Frozen Blueberries
1 Cup- Frozen Spinach
1 Scoop- MyProtein Impact Whey Isolate
½ Cup- Steel Cut Oats
2 Tablespoons- Peanut Butter
A Dash of Cinnamon


  1. Pour milk & oats into the blender.
  2. Add blueberries.
  3. Add protein powder & peanut butter.
  4. Add spinach.
  5. Blend to desired texture. If too thick add a little water to smooth-ie things out( dad joke).
  6. Dash some cinnamon on top for a little spice.
  7. Enjoy the hell out of this sweet treat that’s good for you.

Now of course you can substitute any of the ingredients based on dietary restrictions or preferences. Examples; Soy milk or water instead of whole milk, pineapple instead of blueberries, vegan/plant based proteins, almond butter, you get the point. Make it to your own unique taste. Tag and tell me what you tried! Happy eating!